I have a strange relationship with trains. Most of my life I took public transportation and while I never reqlly enjoyed it (though occasionaly if I got a seat on the edge I could nap which was cool) it seemed to me to be perfectly adequate. It was either that or I walked, and seeing as I am not exactly thin and admiteddly lazy, I frequently purchased my metrocard to go hither and yon.
When I was 29, I started a relationship with a woman in New Jersey and at her (not so) gentle urging I began the process of getting a liscence and subsequently a car.
Since then I have been enamored with the life a car owner and look upon the life of a commuter in disgust.
Don't get me wrong, driving is not all peaches and cream. Gas is expensive. Tolls are expensive. Maintenamce is expensive. Parking tickets are expensive and aggravating. Traffic is a pain. Don't get me started on parking.
Certainly the life of straphanger is far cheaper. Between parking, gas and tolls if I were to drive in to my job in manhattan it would set me back $35 easy. A day. That's compared to the $5 round trip I pay daily. I get to nap if I can find a seat. Hell my stop is feet away from my job.
Yet I hate it so, and if I were a stockbroker making 100's of thousands of dollars, would never see the inside of the 7 train again.
Well...hate is a strong word, but to be sure if I had the means to do so I would drive everywhere. Hell, I value a spacious parking lot or at the least a sparsely populated street far more than any Zagat rating.
Despite the many financial and practical advantages of mass transit, there are just some advantages that the car has over the train or bus that make it the preffered mode of transition.
Nearly all of them have to do with comfort, and I admit, I crave comfort and avoid inconvenience at all costs. Someone who is not as enamored with comfort and more enamored with the environment or getting an authentically stale slice of New York would preffer mass transit. Either that or they live in Manhattan an area where owning a car makes no sense whatsoever. But this is my blog and those people can go write their own.
Lets look at specifics:
On the train or bus, you are lucky to find a seat and in fact you rarely do unless you live very close to the first stop on the line...or are traveling at 2 am.
In a car you are guaranteed a seat. In fact sitting is a prerequisite.
If you were to light up a ciggarette or cigar on public you would, I immagine, face a stiff fine if not jail time.
You have to wait for the train to stop to get off. Only thing you have no control over where the train goes. It will go where the MTA has ordained and will stop simmilarly.
And then there is the wait. In the subway in the summer you melt. Waiting for the bus in the winter causes you to freeze.
Too hot on a train? Too bad. Too cold on a bus? Bring a sweater next time.
By comparisson in my car I am lord high exaulted emperor. I control the temperature, whether or not the windows are open, what goes on the radio if anything.
If I want to smoke, I smoke. If I want to fart or take off my shoes I can do so. I can do anything I want inside my car that makes me comfortable or strikes my fancy
I can stop the car when I want. Go when I want. It is my faithful coach that waits for me patiently till I am ready to go and goes whete I tell it. It lives on my schedule, not the reverse.
Well...there are those traffic laws and all, but that's outside. Inside, ego sum rex.
Still, the train, regardless of how I feel about it is the most financially viable way for me to get to work and without work I would have no money to make the car payments, pay for gas, insurance or tolls.
That which I hate is necessary to maintain that which I love.
Hence, my strange relationship with the train.
For the record, I wrote this on the train on my way to work. I could never do this driving in my car, so I guess I can throw the train a bone.
All aboard!